Welcome to our side of the Divide!
My wife Mary and IĀ have lived on the Western Slope for 17 years. Originally from Florida, we are very proud that our entire family currently calls Colorado home, datingĀ back to 1971. We are a knowledgeable team that consists of myself and my wife Mary.
We are very passionate about the Western Slope. From Crested Butte to Cedaredge and in-between, we enjoy the convenience of access to the different mountain ranges, canyons, national forests, red rock cliffs, desert, mesa’s, lakes, skiing, hiking and all the immense activities offered to us this side of the divide.
Delta County offers treasures that are not available in the rest of the state. We love to call this area home, and feel so fortunate to have found it. We are experiencing an influx of clients looking for scenery, open space, a slower pace, as well as the best of the outdoors at their fingertips.
We want this website to be a tool for future clients to have a plethora of information at their fingertips. Whether you are local or considering relocating, please come on a little tour with us through our side of the Divide!